Palm Beach Gardens Flooding

Take the Necessary Precautions and Remain Safe When There Is Flooding

Palm Beach Gardens Flooding

Homeowners should carefully select a location if they wish to purchase a home in Florida and refrain from selecting an area in the Flood Danger Zones.

Keep emergency supplies on hand

If you live in Florida, you will face flooding when there is heavy rain or a storm. Be prepared for any eventuality by keeping emergency supplies on hand. This should include a portable radio, cooking equipment, fresh batteries and flashlights, food that is non-perishable and drinking water. Make sure to keep a list of all the medications that you require and also a first-aid kit.

Discard hazardous waste in designated locations

When you are preparing for a flood, make a note of the Palm Beach flooding Service Company and keep it in a place where even the children can reach and call them in an emergency. If you have any hazardous products on your property, make sure to reduce the same and get rid of unwanted stuff lying around the house. This includes items or household products that are marked “Poison”, “Danger”, “ Caution” or Warning” These items should be discarded in facilities set apart from household hazardous waste. Check out the locations that are listed for disposing of unwanted medicines and other items that you wish to discard.

Listen to the news on radio

Make sure to sign up for flood warnings so that you are alerted to the possibility of a flood disaster coming your way. Obtain information on flood insurance and get emergency kits which should be kept handy during these trying times. Keep your radio tuned on to a local station to get the latest news and follow all the instructions given.
Take the right precautions

When flooding occurs, make sure to close the main gas valve and switch off all utilities in the building using the main power switch. Unless you are positive that the area is dry, refrain from touching any electrical equipment in the home. Make sure to wear rubber-soles and latex gloves.
Contact a reliable service provider

When you return to the home after a flood, make sure to look for structural damage and be wary of electrical shorts, live wires and gas leaks. Do not hesitate to call the Palm Beach Gardens flooding Service Company to check the heating system, appliances and different outlets before you use them. You should also ask them to check the electrical panel to see if it is working.

Since the basement will get flooded with water you should start trying to drain out the water after the outside water has gone. The Palm Beach Gardens flooding service provider will bring their equipment to remove the water using an electric sump pump. Dry out the walls and shove the mud from the basement. Use a high pressure hose to remove the dirt and silt stains from the concrete walls and foundation if it is of masonry. Wash the walls with warm water and detergent and then wipe dry.

Fans should be used after a flood to air out the basement. Make sure to wear protective waterproof boots and gloves before you begin cleaning up the home. Keep the windows and doors open to let in fresh air and air dry or sun-dry all the items in the home. Make sure that all moisture is removed from the air. It is important to ventilate the area well to remove odors. Use a lump of dry charcoal in a metal container after opening the windows and applying a solution of equal amounts of water and bleach on the walls and floors. Dry out the area completely.

Contact Us

Titan Restoration
2701 Vista Parkway Ste. A-7,
West Palm Beach FL 33411
Telephone: +1 561 260-5808
E-mail: [email protected]