Precautions to Take When Your Home Has Been Damaged Due To Floods

water damage restoration Palm Beach Gardens

Flooding in the area where you live can pose a serious problem for homeowners as it brings on health risks. One of the leading causes for weather- related deaths in America is flash flooding.

There are certain measures you can take to protect your property when there are flooding.

Safety and security is important when anticipating floods

It is always advisable to secure your home against flood damage. The first precaution to take is to ensure that you do not build your homes in areas that may be high-risk. Check out the regulations and avoid flood zone areas. Make sure that there are no cracks or crevices in the walls as this could allow the water to get into the home. Make sure to seal them well.

Get your property insured against floods

One of the most important steps to take is to obtain the appropriate coverage for flood insurance. One should never under estimate the power of flowing water as it moves faster than it appears and can even carry a person away. Make sure to explain dangers associated with flooding to your employees or children. Make a note of the West Palm Beach Flooding company and let the family members know how to get in touch with them in an emergency.

Keep abreast with the media

You should talk to your neighbors and share any information and experience that you may have and be prepared for the same. Remove all debris and fallen leaves from storm grates, flap gates and street drains to avoid clogging. If you have evacuated from the premises and are returning to your home after the flood, make sure to check for structural damage before you enter the home. Look out for gas leaks, live wires and electrical shorts.

Take precautions when re-entering the home after a flood

There may be a gas leak so be careful and use only flashlights when you re-enter the home.

Call the gas company if you find that the gas is still switched off. Get a professional from the West Palm Beach flooding company to check if the heating system and other appliances, including the electrical panels are working properly.

Call your West Palm Beach flooding service provider and let them know the problem you are facing. You should also:

  • Move all the valuable items in the home to a higher level.
  • Place plastic sheeting or sandbags in front of the doorways.
  • Prevent the back-flow of sewer water by sealing off the sewer lines to the property.
  • When you install electrical boxes, water heaters, furnaces and washing machines, make sure to elevate the location to a place where there are less chances of flooding.

Here are some safety tips to help you clean up after there has been a flood:

  • Clean the walls and floors with hard surface using soap and water. Add a disinfectant to the water.
  • Wash all your clothes including linen in hot water and dry them out thoroughly.
  • Disinfect all surfaces that may come in contact with children including their play areas.
  • Dry out large mattress and furniture that is upholstered in the sun.
    Carpets should be steam-cleaned.
  • Replace fiberboard and all fibrous insulation if it has been contaminated with floodwater.
  • This should also be done if sewage water has made contact with the air conditioning system and heating.
  • Do not walk in this water without wearing protective gear.
  • Discard material than cannot be salvaged or dried thoroughly.

Boil the drinking water and throw out all food that has been lying in the refrigerator.